Eksportportalen informerer om, at FORBUD OPHÆVES - Ungarn indfører forbud mod lange forsendelser af drøvtyggere


Eksportportalen informerer om, at FORBUD OPHÆVES - Ungarn indfører forbud mod lange forsendelser af drøvtyggere fra, eller via Ungarn over Bulgarien til Tyrkiet. FORBUD OPHÆVES FRA 22-07-2021.


From 22.07.2021 the ban on lon​​g-distance road transport of ruminants from/via Hungary via Bulgaria to Türkiye is temporarily lifted due to lowered temperatures, based on the Bulgarian weather forecast. Of course, in case of a new heat wave forecast, the delivery ban will be ordered again, and the contact points in the Member States will be notified again.​

Best regards,

National Food Chain Safety Office
Directorate of Animal Health and Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare Unit
H-1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly 24.​​​

​Forbud pga. varmt vejr

De ungarske veterinære myndigheder har indført et forbud mod lange forsendelser af drøvtyggere, i transportmidler uden klimaanlæg, fra Ungarn via Bulgarien til Tyrkiet pga. varmt vejr.

Forbuddet er også gældende for forsendelser med transit gennem Ungarn. Vær opmærksom på, at forbuddet kan have konsekvenser for forsendelser af drøvtyggere fra Danmark, der på nuværende tidspunkt, og indtil forbuddet ophæves, befinder sig i Ungarn. Det kan evt. besluttes af de ungarske myndigheder, at dyr på hvilesteder skal forblive der indtil forbuddet hæves.

Forbuddet er gældende fra 25. juni 2021.

Information sendes ud, når de ungarske myndigheder har hævet forbuddet.

Den oprindeli​​ge meddelelse fra de ungarske myndigheder vedlægges her

​​I w​ould like to inform you, that given the projected temperature rise, the launching of long distance ruminant road transport without active cooling system from Hungary via Bulgaria to Türkiye - both as a destination and a transit - is prohibited from 25 June 2021 until further instruction.

This prohibition affects both:​​​

  • ​​shipments intended to launch from Hungary
  • shi​pments which are traveling through Hungary during the period of prohibition and stop for a 24-hour rest at a Hungarian control post. In this case the consignment may remain at the control post until the ban is lifted.


National Food Chain Safety Office, Hungary​​
Directorate of Animal Health and Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare Unit

Senest opdateret 26-07-2022